Medical Marijuana

How to Get a Florida Medical Marijuana Card

By March 18, 2019 May 13th, 2019 One Comment
Medical Marijuana Florida Card | A Green Relief | Orlando Medical Marijuana Doctor

Marijuana has long been lauded for the symptom management and relief benefits it can offer to individuals struggling with chronic health issues. Within the state of Florida, medical marijuana is separated from low-THC strains of cannabis. Medical marijuana is permitted to contain significant amounts of THC, which is the compound responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana use; this is not the case with low-THC cannabis.

Qualified physicians and doctors may order medical marijuana for patients suffering from several qualifying conditions, but reaching the point of receiving your card can be a confusing journey for some. If you or a loved one is interested in using medical marijuana for symptom management in the state of Florida, read on for a quick how-to on how to acquire a card and take control of your symptoms.

Acquiring a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida

Step One: Assess Conditions that Qualify for Treatment

Provided you are a Florida resident, there are a range of medical conditions that can open up the doors to a medical marijuana card. You must be diagnosed with one of these conditions by a qualified physician. In addition, you’ll need to be a patient of the same qualified physician for three months immediately preceding your request in order to be considered for treatment.

The following conditions and complications are legally permitted to be supported by the use of medical marijuana:

Step Two: Book Your Initial Consultation

You’ll need to make a special visit to a doctor possessing a Florida Medical Marijuana License. Your regular doctor, more likely than not, is not at liberty to prescribe marijuana for symptom management. It’s critical that you remain a patient of this doctor for three months; it’s only after this time period that the doctor will be able to offer a medical marijuana card.

If you elect to work with a medical marijuana doctor like those at Green Relief, one of these specialized physicians will team up with you and your doctor to get you started on the path to relief. Your medical marijuana physician will work with your doctor to evaluate your condition, previous treatments you’ve received, and appropriate steps for the future.

For patients unable to travel to a physician’s location, specialized home visits are offered by some offices. Green Relief offers a VIP visit service that allows full service anywhere and at any time. Patients will have the opportunity to undergo a home visit with a physician licensed to prescribe medical marijuana. Webcam and phone call appointments are also available.

Step Three: Submit an Application Online

Either you or your physician will be required to fill out a form and submit it to the Office of Medical Marijuana Use after completion. This is oftentimes the slowest part of the process outside of waiting the required three months with your licensed physician. The Department of Health has been known to take as long as two months handling applications.

Getting started on the application process as early as possible can give you a head start when it comes to receiving your card. This may be especially essential to those who have progressive conditions or who’ve found themselves unable to work due to their symptoms.

If you’re interested in learning more about the process of acquiring a medical marijuana card in Florida, or want a helping hand along the way, get in touch with us today. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be happy to speak with you about your concerns and get you started on the path to living a pain-free and fulfilling life.

One Comment

  • Sarah Smith says:

    Thank you for explaining that if you have Parkinson’s or Epilepsy, you can qualify for a medical marijuana certification. That will be great news for my husband. He has been dealing with Parkinson’s for the past few years and it has gotten to the point that he can’t easily eat or write.