Medical Marijuana Orlando
Medical Marijuana. Made Simple.
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”Improving quality of life with a greater sense of well-being
A Green Relief

The Green Relief Mission
At Green Relief, we strive to give patients and their families an improved quality of life and a greater sense of well-being. We address each individual’s condition, and work with their current physicians to offer alternatives with less deleterious side effects.

Check Out Our Podcast
The Show
Our goal is to educate people about the many benefits of Medical Marijuana, how to use it, and what is next for this amazing medicine.
Check Out Our Podcast
The Show
Our goal is to educate people about the many benefits of Medical Marijuana, how to use it, and what is next for this amazing medicine.

Conditions We Support At Green Relief
Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Florida include:
Conditions We Support At Green Relief
Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Florida include:

The major aliments of Sativa medicinal strains include:
- Anti-anxiety
- Anti-depressant
- Treats chronic pain
- Increases focus and creativity
- Increases serotonin (a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of learning, mood, sleep, anxiety and appetite)
- For day time use

The major aliments of Hyrid medicinal strains include:
Hybrids are simply new and unique strains that are bred from parents of different types. A hybrid theoretically possesses many or most of the beneficial medical properties of both its parents. Breeders can “cross” any two strains they desire in an effort to create a new strain that delivers the best possible medical efficacy, sometimes for particular diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, and epilepsy.

The major aliments of Indica medicinal strains include:
- Increased mental relaxation
- Muscle relaxation
- Decreases nausea
- Decreases acute pain
- Increases appetite
- Increases dopamine (a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers)
- For night time use
Medical Marijuana Safety
Growers and producers of medical marijuana products maintain high standards of quality, testing each batch for potency and purity.
The low toxicity and relatively benign side effects of medical cannabis make it generally safe. Cannabis affects areas of the brain that do not control involuntary reflexes such as breathing and heartbeat, so there is no risk of accidental overdose.